Philipstown Recreation Department
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Strikers Soccer

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

Players are divided into teams to learn to play the game of soccer. The teams will spend the first three weeks working on skills and drills with Coach Travis & their respective coaches.  The final three weeks the teams will play instructional games based on their schedule. If you are interested in coaching, please call the Main Office at 845.424.4618. Shirt included. 

*Please note: This season, we will be holding both Little Kickers AND Strikers at Philipstown Park (1239 Route 9D), instead of the Water Tower Field at The Rec Center. Again -- no children's soccer programs will be running at The Rec Center on Saturdays, unless there is rain and then soccer will be moved into the GYM.

Program Information
Director: Travis Biro
Day: Saturday
Place: Philipstown Park

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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